Thanks so so much for the wonderful healing session.
The difference it has made already in the space of a week is amazing.
Myself and my husband have had a tough year emotionally with a lot of stress and have been trying for a baby in the middle of it all.
I contacted Bernie firstly to ask for any advice with a oil blend that might help, we had a good chat and Bernie thought IET would really benefit me as I had had previous miscarriages and the trauma was still with me as a stuck emotion.
Bernie explained IET is a really gentle healing that helps remove emotional blocks in a way that isn’t to extreme.
When I went to Bernie’s therapy room I instantly felt at ease and relaxed, we had a cup of tea and a chat and Bernie began by unblocking some emotion codes. The energy was amazing and I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. It was very interesting to see what blocks had been there and Bernie gave me great advice on how to avoid these blocks happening again.
We then began the IET and it was amazing, It was so relaxing, i could feel the energy lift from the different areas of my body, I felt lighter and brighter and that I could breathe for the first time in a few weeks, the weight I had on my shoulders and chest from stress and stuck emotions of grief had gone.
The amazing thing is it wasn’t only myself that benefitted from the healing, my husband also felt the benefits. For the first time in weeks he slept a good full night’s sleep for a few days in a row, he is happier and lighter in himself and seemed to have found his personal power again when dealing with stressful situations.
Thanks so much again Bernie xx